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One Day

One day, you'll remember waking up next to me
And how it felt to swim chasing the sun


And you'll stand alone on the lakeshore watching stars
And you'll think of us, and how we were happy


One day, you'll wish you could bring back these days, so carefree
One day, you will look back and wonder how it could have been
It could've been with me
If you had stayed


And you'll stand alone on the lakeshore watching stars
And you'll think of us, and how we were happy


One day, I found the answer was that there were no reasons at all
That one day, I decided I would take another road that won't cross yours


In parallel, I'll see you and you'll see me
And we'll be within reach but we won't ever meet


So you'll stand alone on the lakeshore watching stars
And you'll think of us, and how we were happy


I willl be happy
I'll be gone and happy
I'll be happy without you

​© Sherry-Lynn Lee all rights reserved.​

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