Sherry-Lynn Lee

On her 2009 EP Change Me As We Go, Sherry-Lynn Lee collaborated with some of the best musicians from the tropical paradise island of Mauritius (Indian Ocean), where she grew up. Guest performers include locally famous Noel Jean (keys), Patrick Desveaux (guitar), Josue "Serenity Trankility" (vocals), Emmanuel Fanchin and the final EP was mixed by Richard Hein (Crossbreed Supersoul, Linzy Bacbotte).

Sherry-Lynn had always been passionate about singing, but her songwriting career started the day someone told her "you don't even write songs". That very day, she took a piece of paper, wrote her first song and never stopped writing since. 5 years later, what started as a dare to herself in her bedroom became an EP of 7 carefully selected songs, and hundreds of fans in Mauritius, Canada and Australia.

At her Mauritian CD release, she raised Rs10,650 for charity by giving away 50% of her revenue. Several of her shows have been non-profit. Giving back to the community is important to the artist, who believes in using her talent for greater causes.
She chose the title "Change Me As We Go" to dare the listener to embrace change because it really is the only constant in life.

Since the EP's release, "Perfect World", "While You're Out To Shine", "Make My Day" and "Risking More" have won accolades from TAXI Music and the Songdoor International Songwriting Contest. After promoting her EP for most of 2010, Sherry-Lynn recorded an acoustic live session at Phase One Studios (mixed by Hua Chang Lee) and has made the songs available for free on SoundCloud.

She is currently taking time off to find new inspiration and to develop new techniques as a writer, as a musician, and as an entrepreneur. 

Photo credit (c) 2012 Stan Velijev