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Change Me As We Go

EP released in 2010 

The realization of this EP is a dream come true for an island girl from a small town. To think that I could just write a song was crazy, but hearing it recorded professionally felt like magic. It's a feeling I wish everyone of you to have at least once in your life, to feel you have reached a seemingly impossible dream. Because sometimes, if you try, you can! Please see the bottom for my thank you notes. You can download it for free on SoundCloud!












The story behind each song:


1. No Perfect Goodbye

When someone's dad passed away, I realized that whether we lose a loved one when they are 30 or 70, it still feels like it was too soon. Even when we've loved them all along, we might feel regret. Even if we wanted to, it couldn't be perfect. I hope this song brings some comfort to those suffering from loss. 


2. Risking More

When friending people on Facebook, I like to read their favourite quotes. One of my friends had "If you don't risk anything you risk even more." I improvised melody and lyrics to a chord progression that Corey Steward (Adelaide, AU) had sent me and Patrick Desveaux's guitar playing took it to the next level. It was very fun singing the harmonies on this one. 


3. Make My Day

This is how you feel after a perfect date. I hope you have many of those dates. 


4. While You're Out To Shine

I had a crush on this guy who still loved his ex. She had moved on with her life but he was stuck unsure whether he loved or hated her more. I wrote this song trying to imagine what it was like to be in his shoes... using a chord progression he had played for me. He might have figured out the song was about him but he probably didn't think I was putting myself in his shoes. Ha! :)


5. Perfect World

This song is very special to me, not only because it was my first ever recorded, but also because of the message. We all have an idea of what a perfect world would look like according to us, and each of those visions are perhaps similar, but surely unique. This must mean that every time we try to create our perfect world, we're going against someone else's perfect world. 


6. The Same Things

My first time writing a duet. I had the guitar riff lying around for a while before I finally decided to write to it. This duet is about accepting each other and ourselves for who we are, despite our differences and our shortcomings. 


7. The Brighter Side

This song is an all-time favourite of mine for many reasons. This song was inspired by my sometimes pessimistic friend Yan, with whom I've had many deep conversations over the years. The lyrics were taken from a jumble of sentences I had scribbled all over a large sheet of paper. I then circled the ones I liked best and improvised music to what became the verse. It was one of those rare songs that pretty much wrote themselves.



I'd like to thank Richard Hein for mixing this EP and simply for helping me as an artist, Serenity (Josué) for his generous help, featured vocals, and great conversations, Emmanuel Fanchin for his generous help and amazing guitar riffs, Patrick Desveaux for his top notch guitar skills, Noel Jean for being an inspiration from my childhood and for playing on a few tracks, my family for supporting me in this project, and last but not least, all my fans & friends who have come to shows, shared my videos, bought my CD or digital album. You are the reason art lives on. 

Live Studio Session

EP released in 2011 (Free on SoundCloud)

This EP was recorded live at Phase One Studios in Toronto. It was amazing to record in a place that had hosted artists and producers of artists such as Rihanna, Bono, Holly Cole, Drake, Sting, Bob Dylan, Cirque Du Soleil, Hilary Duff. I played some new originals and a few covers.


You can download all the songs for free on SoundCoud!












The story behind each song: 


Don't Apologize (Sherry-Lynn Lee)

You know those people who say "I'm so sorry I hurt you, but it's for the best. Don't you agree"? If they felt they had to and would do it again, I think they're not sorry. My favourite lines: "I should know that when you speak your mind, your mind is made and my opinion merely feeds your conscience. Thought I had a choice but what voice counts the day after the votes've been cast and there's a new president..."


Everything I Can (Sherry-Lynn Lee)

I read about a friend's breakup on Facebook. She said she gave it her all and it wasn't enough. I was wondering if that would happen to me as well. I thought that if I gave it my all, at least I wouldn't blame myself if things went awry. And this applies to love, work, and everything in between. 


Make My Day (Sherry-Lynn Lee)

This is from the previous EP but it's such fun playing live so I wanted to record a live version. 


The covers and what they mean to me:


Someone Like You (Adele Cover)

In addition to being completely in love with Adele's voice, I have to admit that I chose this song for its emotions and its high notes. I was at a point where the song resonated with me and I think it showed in the performance. A few people in the audience teared up :')


When I Look To The Sky (Train Cover)

This song has been the soundtrack of my teenage years and if I were to record covers, this song had to be one of them. The lyrics, the melody and the accompaniment are so simple, yet so beautiful to me. 


With Or Without You (U2 Cover)

This rendition is one I'm quite proud of and is already a staple in my live set list. I remember spending my Christmas break at my friend Sam's and coming up with the main riff (then on guitar) in the wee hours. I played it on guitar for most of the #CMAWG shows before switching to piano and gradually building up the arrangement. 



I'd like to Hua Chang Lee for mixing, Vic Uppal for stepping in on bass, Tobi Ogunbiyi for keeping the rhythm and Terry Simmons for playing guitar and offering his home studio for rehearsal. And of course, thank you for listening, downloading, sharing, coming to the live session and clapping your hands. You are awesome. 


Mauritian Creole Covers

Rough recordings

English Covers

Rough recordings

​© Sherry-Lynn Lee all rights reserved.​

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